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Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone famous? Or are you curious to know if you remember any celebrities? 

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meet the Gradient Photo Editor app, which makes this action possible.

The application became a popularity phenomenon and reached no more than one million downloads on the internet. play store in a week.

O Gradient Photo Editor is an editing app that shows which celebrity the user resembles.

In addition to providing photo editing tools, the application allows the user to compare a selfie to find out which celebrity they most resemble. 

By having access to the result, which is made available in the form of a collage, the user can share the image on social networks.

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You editing apps or filters that allow you to transform the user's face became popular and quickly went viral on social media. 

We will teach you step by step how to use the Gradient Photo Editor app to edit your photos and the available features.

O app is available for free download for users of Android and iOS operating systems (iPhonIt is).

Some resources, however, are paid and cost from R$ 20.00 per week.

Learning how to use the Gradient Photo Editor app to edit your photos on your cell phone 

  1. To start, you need install the app on your smartphone. 

To do this, access the application store and search for the Gradient PhotoEditor. 

  1. When the download is complete, click Open app to access the features. 
  1. When accessing the app for the first time, you will need to press the button "Continue" sometimes. 
  1. Next, press the “X” available in the top left corner of the screen. This way, you will use the free version of application. 

Editing photos

  1. When accessing the main screen of the application, click in “Edit” and select a photo from your gallery to edit. 
  2. In the option “Presets”, it is possible to apply effects such as tan, black and white, among others;
  1. The tab "Beauty", allows you to make changes to the photo, such as changing the lips, skin color, jaw, nose, eyes, etc.
Qual famoso você se parece.
Which celebrity do you look like?
  1. To apply filters to the image, access the option "Filter". 
  2. The option "To edit", allows you to change contrast, brightness, shadows, temperature, saturation and other options. 
  1. And to insert texts and stickers into the photo, use the tab "To add"
  1. After finishing all the desired edits, simply press the save button, located in the upper right corner of the screen, to save the photo.

Finding Out Who Your Famous Twin Is

To find out which celebrity you look like, just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Return to the application's home screen and click “Try it now”, where you can use the resource “Who is your twin”.

Step 2. Select a selfie from your gallery and wait for the result. 

In this part, you can change the shape of the frame from the options available at the bottom of the screen. 

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Step 3. To finish, press the button indicated in the top right corner of the screen and save the photo in your phone's gallery.

To share the result on your social networks, tap "More" and the available options will be displayed.

It is important to note that the features with a purple icon are exclusive to the paid version of the application, and to use them you will need to purchase them. 

However, all the paid version options are really fun. 

Just take advantage of the tips on how to use Gradient Photo Editor to discover your famous twin and share the results with your friends.