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Who has never planned that dream international trip? This is certainly a desire of the vast majority of people, but without a passport, we will teach you how to issue your passport online.

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And take the passport is the first step to realizing your trip International.

This document is required if you intend to travel to the United States, Europe, Asia and any other country outside of South America. 

The process for issuing a passport is simpler than you might think and must be carried out directly through the passport website. Federal police.

The document is fundamental and essential for people who wish to carry out a international trip, whether for leisure or work, for all countries outside Mercosur. 

The PF indicates that you should not buy international air tickets before the passport be issued, as the document may take some time to be ready.

The deadline for issuing the document depends on the demand for requests that the PF receives daily.

How to issue a passport online

First, you need to access the Federal police through the link and without Citizen Services, click on the Get option Passport.

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You will be directed to a new page, to proceed with the request, click Start. 

At this stage, you will need to fill out an extensive form with all the requested information, such as personal data, documents, additional data.

When finished, review all the information filled out to correct if there are any errors.

During the request for passport, the PF website may ask the applicant some questions, which will determine the documents necessary for presentation. 

After completing this step, a list of all documents that must be presented will be provided.

It is necessary to bring the original documents, the PF does not accept certified copies of them.

Some documents that may be requested are: Identification document, Electoral status, Military service, Visas and vaccinations, among others.

Emitir passaporte online.
Issue passport online.

When presenting the documents, everyone will be checked and fingerprints will be collected and a photo will be taken and printed on the document. passport

In the second stage, it will be issued a bill in the amount of R$ 257.25, referring to the passport issuance.

This bill can be paid at any Bank, lottery or mobile app. 

Only after payment and clearing of the invoice will the option for scheduling on the website be released.

To make the appointment, you will access the PF website and enter the protocol number, CPF and date of birth of the applicant.

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The service will be provided at a PF station closest to your location.

It will be at this point that you will collect your passport when it becomes available.

To remove the passport, you must bring a photo ID and there is no need to schedule an appointment.

Pay attention to the deadline: if the passport is not collected within 90 days, it will be canceled and you will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

There is no set deadline for the passport it is issued, after the documents are presented at the PF post and all steps are completed, the process of releasing the passport It usually takes place within six business days.