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If you are looking for an opportunity in the job market, this is your chance to change your life, in this post we will show you how to achieve it free online nail extension course.

You will be able to enter the job market even easier with this course on your resume, or also open your own business.

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Today the nail extension It has become a craze among women, but the high cost of courses and materials has made it very difficult for professionals to enter the market.

Therefore, you can enter this field without leaving your home, all you need is access to the internet, a compatible device such as a cell phone, tablet or even a computer.

Therefore, you can register for the course and start as soon as possible.

The course offers several subjects, handouts and also a certificate issued upon completion of the course, valid throughout Brazil.

The course booklets are all in PDF, which you can download to your device and study whenever you want and wherever you want, without needing the internet.

The course lasts 45 hours, and at the end, in order for you to complete the course, you will need to obtain a score equal to or greater than 60 points, which will not be very difficult if you study.


Curso de Alongamento de unhas
Nail extension course.

Class 1 – Presentation of the Nail Extension Course

Class 2 – Materials and Products for Nail Extensions

Class 3 – Application of Fiber on Nails

Class 4 – Fiber Glass Stretching – Continuation

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Class 5 – Fiberglass Stretching – Review

Class 6 – Encapsulated Nail

Class 7 – Toenail Reconstruction

Class 8 – Nail Maintenance

Class 9 – Nail Maintenance – Continued

Class 10 – Gel in Typs

Class 11 – Stretching a gel typs

Class 12 – Cutillage stretching gel typs

Class 13 – Advanced posture

Class 14 – Maintenance × acrygel

Class 15 – Stretch Removal – Part 1

Class 16 – Stretch Removal – Part 2

Class 17 – Stretch Removal – Part 3

Class 18 – Finalization after removal

Class 19 – Bonus Class

Class 20 – Nail polish and nail art design

Class 21 – Nail polish and nail art design – Bonus

Class 22 – Complementary class – removal

It's a lot of material for you to become a professional in the subject. nail extension.

As nail extension course you will be able to improve your qualifications in the job market, improving your CV or even opening your own business, which would be a big step.

Today the high value for nail extension It would be a key point to start in the industry, which has become a craze and trend among women, as it only requires maintenance, without the need to always have your nails done.

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How to identify Plants on your cell phone.
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Something that can often be busy or even tight with no money to do, with the nail extension so much urgency will not be necessary.

O full course is free and you can do it from the comfort of your home, however the certificate has a fee to be printed, so you need to be aware if you want to issue a digital certificate you can pay a fee to the body responsible for the course.

To participate in the Online nail extension course enter the website by HERE.

It is worth remembering that you will need to register, without much difficulty, it will only ask for your full name, email and create a password, which will be used as a login for the course.

Several courses are available on the platform, so when you finish the nail extension course, you can start another one right away and do you know which is better? They're free and worth checking out.

We hope that the course is very useful and that this post can change your life for the better.