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If you are looking for a healthier life, and you don't have much time or way to leave the house, we will help you train from your home, an app for Home workout.

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A great option for you to carry out physical activities, training, and best of all, it can be done in the comfort of your home, you will only need internet access, a cell phone or tablet.

The Application is currently aimed at a female audience, however, it can also be done by anyone of any age, as there are different types of exercises that you can choose from.

You may have already heard about cell phone applications for carrying out physical activities, but not all of them are as effective as the one we are going to show you, many do not contain the variety of workouts and exercises.

A very complete application with more varied exercises, and all of them with videos and illustrations for you to learn.

In addition to everything app is free, which becomes even better, right, since gyms today have a high price.

The application also has a subscription plan, where you can opt for a paid plan, where you can receive different training, more focused on your objective, more clearly if you prefer, otherwise you can just use the free one.

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Let's learn a little more about the application we are talking about.

Today in the Google app store, there are already more than 500 thousand people using the app “Home Workout for Women”, and not to mention that the rating score is the highest on the platform. Google Play, with 4.8 stars and the most varied positive comments.

Totally different from other applications, the “Home Workout for Women” offers its content completely free, and where customizable content is also available, in addition to having a part of the application that can be subscription-based (Optional), choosing your training according to what you want.

Another advantage of the application is the easy access to training plans, in order to adapt to its users' routine.

In addition to various exercises for weight loss, there are also some specific exercises for pain relief, facial muscles as well as excess fat on the arms and other exercises.

Let's check how to download the app?

Downloading it is very simple, you can download it in both the Android and IOS versions, and you will only need to have access to the internet, have a cell phone or tablet at home and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Aplicativo para Treino em Casa
Home Training App.

You will need to go into your app gallery and look for the app “Home Workout for Women”, remembering that anyone can download the app, as there are several exercises that can be done by anyone.

Once you find the application, click to go down or to obtain, and wait for the installation.

Once installed and everything is ready, enter the application to get to know it better.

You will need to fill out a brief questionnaire, so that the application gets to know you better and learns a little more about your habits.


How to consult RENAVAM through PLACA.

Once you finish answering, the app will be able to offer you the best exercise plan.

The app's first options focus on losing weight, getting stronger and staying in shape.

After that, you can choose the part of the body you want to focus on in training, and thus choose the best training for you.

You can also set goals, training styles, and more, in short, it is a very complete application, you will be surprised.