News about the digital world

Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS
Aprenda a criar seu próprio canal no YouTube

Learn how to create your own YouTube channel

Do you want to create a YouTube Channel but don't know how to do it, we will help you, in a very quick and easy way. When you think about watching a video, be it music videos, stand up comedy, cartoons, films, documentaries, among others,...

Aprenda a rastrear un dispositivo Android por aplicación.

Learn how to track an Android device by application.

Found on the Google Play Store, the “Search my device” application can become a very useful tool to facilitate recovery from your Android mobile device. The application is free and available to Android system users…

Colocar imagem no fundo do Google Meet

Put image in the background of Google Meet

Due to social isolation, many companies are holding meetings online, and using Google Meet, sometimes the location doesn't help, so see how to put background on Google Meet. And a great ally of these meetings is…