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Do you know how to consult the RENAVAM just by your vehicle's license plate? In this article we will show you how to do it.

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O RENAVAM (National Register of Motor Vehicles) it serves as if it were an ID or CPF for your vehicle.

O RENAVAM This is where all your vehicle's data is registered, that is, with the vehicle number. RENAVAM you will be able to see practically all the vehicle's data.

Such as: Year of manufacture, the original color of your vehicle, the model of your vehicle, the vehicle brand, chassis number, the number of passengers it has capacity, weight and other information.

Therefore, you will also be able to see through it the state of the vehicle's documentation.

If there are debts such as fines, outstanding debts and even IPVA, you will also be able to see previous owners, even mileage, and any necessary information.

O number of RENAVAM It is made up of 11 numbers, which can be found on your vehicle document, at the top left side, where there is a field described “Code RENAVAM”, there are the 11 numbers needed for research.

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With the number you can search using your cell phone, or any electronic device connected to the internet, very easy and simple to check.

You will be able to consult your RENAVAM even before purchasing your vehicle.

since it is such an important moment, and of course at this time no one needs to be surprised.

Therefore, before purchasing your vehicle, it is good search for RENAVAM of your vehicle.

Of course, if you are buying a used vehicle, for new vehicles, you can also consult, but the information will only be new.

Where can I find DETRAN?

Each state has a Detran, and in each Detran it is available to consult data from the RENAVAM, but to carry out the consultation, you will need the RENAVAM number, those 11 digits mentioned above.

The 11 digits of RENAVAM, it's in the CRLV (Vehicle Document) in the upper left part of the printed document, in the “Code RENAVAM”.

In each state the Detran is different, and the type of search is also different, therefore, the way to consult the RENAVAM in your state may be different from any other, so it is simpler to look for the “RENAVAM” and consult then consult RENAVAM.

Consultar RENAVAM pela PLACA.
Consult RENAVAM via PLACA.

It's very simple, fast and practical, you can do the research without leaving your home, it can be in the comfort of your own home.

You will only need to have access to the internet, have a cell phone, tablet or computer and then just search the Detran in your state.

Therefore, you can consult with RENAVAM, several other features such as:

  • Consult debts RENAINF (National Registry of Traffic Offenses), such as traffic fines.
  • You can check the history of theft and theft, it is very important to know the history of the vehicle.
  • Accident, you can even check whether the vehicle has suffered a collision, and this will all appear when consulting the RENAVAM, and it's always good to do your research to avoid falling for scams.


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You can also check if your vehicle is the result of an auction, not that auction vehicles are non-sourced vehicles, on the contrary, there are many more reliable than commercial stores.

However, some auction vehicles will not be able to clear the claim, and therefore the vehicle cannot be insured and in some cases it will not be possible to finance it.

Some insurers may refuse to insure the vehicle.

Therefore, in cases of stolen, stolen or auction vehicles where “CINISTRO” appears on the vehicle, the insurer may not carry out insurance.

Did you see how much you can find out just with the number of the RENAVAM?

Finally, always be careful before purchasing your vehicle, always consult the RENAVAM before making payment.