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The Government of the State of São Paulo announced the creation of Vale Gas, social benefit released amid the pandemic.

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O Vale Gas Its purpose is to help families in situations of social vulnerability who find it difficult to survive during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since its announcement, many doubts have arisen regarding registrations to receive this benefit.

However, contrary to what most people think, there is no specific website where you can sign up to receive the amount that will be paid by the government.

O benefit, in reality, it is granted through the crossing of data from CadÚnico (Cadastro Único), and will be made available to families with monthly per capita income of up to R$ 178.00. 

To check whether you will have access to the benefit, citizens must access the official website of the Vale Gás ( and enter the number of NIS (Social Registration Number) to access the information.

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It is important to keep your personal data always updated when registering on the Bolsa do Povo website to receive information about the program.

If you need to update any information in your registration, access the page and fill out the available form. 

If your city does not have the CRAS, you can go to the city hall or the Social Assistance Center in your region. 

To do this, you need to have your personal documents and those of all your family members on hand. 

Then, just wait for the approval request, and as soon as you are approved, you will be informed about the value of the benefit will be granted and how payment will be made.

The Government of SP reinforces that it does not request any information or confirmation of data via SMS or Whatsapp nor does it send links. 

What is Vale Gás?

Programa Vale Gás SP
Vale Gás SP Program

O Vale Gáif one social program created with the purpose of ensuring a better quality of life for people in the most vulnerable situation during the period of fighting the new coronavirus.

In the State of São Paulo, 104,340 families will benefit, totaling around 500 thousand people, who will receive the benefit divided into 3 installments worth R$ 100.00 which will be paid bimonthly, from July to December 2021. 

The measure was adopted after consecutive increases in the price of cooking gas, announced from January 2021 and which occur due to the change in Petrobras' readjustment policy.

The last increase announced occurred in June, where the price of the product was adjusted by 5.9% compared to the previous value.

Therefore, the value of cooking gas increased by R$ 3.40 per kg at distributors. 

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In relation to the 13 kg cylinder, the average value rose from R$ 85.27 to R$ 85.63 between the 6th and 12th of June. 

These increases have a negative impact on the consumer's pocket and the Vale Gás benefit was created to somewhat alleviate the situation of families facing financial difficulties amid the pandemic.