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Whether you want to pursue a career in the culinary field or just want to impress your friends with your cooking skills, a free cook course it's essential.

First, you learn techniques that make all the difference when preparing dishes.
Since precise cuts until the correct cooking point, all of this makes your food perfectly cooked and with an incredible flavor.

Additionally, you learn about food safety and hygiene in the kitchen, which is extremely important to avoid health problems.

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And we cannot forget that taking a cook course opens doors!
You can get jobs in restaurants, hotels, cruises and even open your own business, have you ever thought?

And even if you don't want to work professionally in the field, knowing how to cook is a skill that everyone should have.

It's a way to take care of yourself, save money and still have incredible moments with friends and family around the table.

So, if you enjoy the world of gastronomy, don't think twice: take a cooking course and you will conquer the taste of everyone around you!

Carlos Slim Foundation

O cook course at Fundação Carlos Slim It's amazing and you need to do it!

And you know what's most incredible? It's free!

With classes very well explained in short videos and images narrated by an instructor, the student can have access at any time of the day they want.

They offer the opportunity to learn basic and advanced cooking techniques, with practical and theoretical classes.

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There you will learn everything from the basics, such as cutting vegetables and preparing sauces, to more elaborate dishes and pastry techniques.

And the best thing is that the course is internationally recognized, so you leave with a certificate which opens many doors in the job market.

Curso de cozinheiro- Grátis
Cook course - Free

If you want to venture into the kitchen and learn from the best, don't miss this chance. Carlos Slim Foundation!


Take a cooking course at SENAC It's a smart move!

Firstly, because they are experts on the subject, so you will learn from the best.

What's more, the classes are super practical, so you'll get your hands dirty from the beginning, which is great for really learning.

Furthermore, the SENAC It has a top-of-the-line structure, with professional kitchens and state-of-the-art equipment.

And you know what's cool?

They also offer internships in renowned restaurants, so you can start making contacts and gaining real experience in the job market.

If you want to become a master in the kitchen, SENAC is the right place for you!


Here you can also find the course 100% free and with a workload of 60 hours based on the course content.

What no It's free it's Digital certificate, to access it you will need to pay a fee. R$39.70.
Make one cook course at Ginead It's a great opportunity!

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Firstly, because it is super flexible.

You can study at your own pace, without the pressure of fixed schedules.

They have a huge variety of courses, from basic even the most advanced, so you can choose what suits you best.

And we cannot forget that the Ginead is recognized by MEC, so you know you are receiving quality education.

If you want to become a respectable chef without leaving home, the Ginead it's the right way!

Links to download:

Carlos Slim Foundation

