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With all the technological advances, you know how to access the current version of the document Digital Employment Card.

A work book is used to record information about a person's work activities.

It is an important document because it contains a lot of information.

For example, the worker's full name, ID, CPF.

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In addition to your identification number, information about your employer.

And also about the activities you carried out in your previous jobs.

This information is used to calculate employee benefits.

Such as unemployment insurance, retirement and other rights.

Furthermore, the work card serves as a test of a person's work experience.

What can be useful when looking for new job opportunities.

With the digital notebook, the application makes life easier for workers.

After all, the physical bill can be lost, damaged or even lost.

If that happens, it's a hassle to get a duplicate.

And delay the admission process if you are going through one.

Avoiding any type of loss.

The application has become a simpler and more practical way of contracting processes.

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Therefore, several companies have the practice of digital documents, instead of physical paper.

Digital Employment Card

Having as main objective to facilitate access to various important information.

Even the user does not have much experience with applications.

It has a simple and intuitive interface.

In this sense, it will not be difficult for the user to access it.

And you will have all your data at hand safely and in an easy and practical way.

Even though it has existed since 2017.

The digital document began to have value as a true official solo document in 2020.

However, since then, companies have not left a single point in their physical portfolio.

Application available for users of android It is iOS.

To gain access, you must register in advance on the site “

After this, the user must validate the information.

Portafolio de Trabajo Digital
Digital Work Portfolio

Provide a brief questionnaire with all the worker's personal data.

Don't worry.

After all, the application is 100% safe.

As soon as you have access, it's ready.

The user can see on their home screen the last three movements of their last employment relationship.

Furthermore, other services are available.

For example, request unemployment insurance, check the details of the bonuses.

Export CPTS to PDF to share a copy.

See also emergency payments and employment contract history.

CTPS Digital

Recover all information from “employees” and “domestic servers”.

The worker who still has a physical invoice does not need to import data.

Because it will be available on first access.

If you still don't have it, just request the issuance of the document online.

As we know, this document is mandatory.

And it was seen in a period of many changes in the scenario of labor rights.

At that moment, Getúlio Vargas, as current president, made a reformist project viable.

This guarantees many important rights for workers.

These are changes when he was known as the “priest of the poor”.

Vargas was the head of the CTPS, becoming number 000001, the sea.

The first worker registered in Brazil.

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Record calls with apps.

After that, the bill became obligatory for years after its creation.