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Many people enjoy discovering their ancestors, especially Eastern cultures and religions that believe in reincarnation.

The idea is that each person has a soul that existed before and will exist after this life, and that this soul goes through several different lives in different bodies, like a cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

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Each life is like an opportunity for the soul to evolve spiritually, you know?

There are people who think that past life experiences can influence the present. There may be flashbacks to other lives that stir up feelings.

But the truth is that this idea of past lives is not scientifically proven and is not accepted by everyone.

There are people who believe because of their own experiences or stories they have heard, but there are also some who don't even want to know about this thing. Each with their own style.

But if this subject also makes you curious, below we have listed some applications.

Past Life Analyzer

“Past Life Analyzer” is an app that uses regression analysis techniques to help people discover information about their ancestors, you know?

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It takes some data, such as date of birth and personal characteristics, and analyzes who the person could have been in past lives. It's like an investigation.

But look, be careful because this idea of past life regression is very controversial and has no scientific support, okay?

In other words, there is no reliable proof that it is possible to access past life memories using these regression techniques.

We have to be critical and skeptical with any information that comes from this app, the “Past Life Analyzer”. It is always important to research and consider reliable and scientific sources.

Below is the link to download.

Aura: Meditation & Sleep

The Aura: Meditation & Sleep app helps users relax and reduce stress, you know?

It has several guided meditations that are designed to leave you with a vibe of total calm and tranquility.

Furthermore, you can customize, like choosing how long you want to meditate and what type of meditation you want to do.

And it has a massive function called “Conscious Breathing”, which helps control stress and anxiety through breathing control. It's too much!

“Aura: Meditation & Sleep” can be downloaded for free, but it also has some premium resources for those who want access to guided meditations and extra stories.


So, if you want to discover details about your ancestors, the “Past Life Analyzer” can give you an idea, but it is important to remember that there is no guarantee that the information is real.

But regardless, the most important thing is to enjoy these apps consciously and skeptically.

After all, apps can be cool to relax and explore our curiosity, but you can't take everything as true.

Link to download:

Past Life Analyzerandroid It is iphone (iYOU)

Aura: Meditation & SleepApp Store It is Google Play Store