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In this post, see the list of the best apps to measure weight nowadays and with that, keep your health up to date.

But, do you know what obesity is and what it does to our body?
Well, thebesity This is when a person has too much body fat.
In this sense, this fat can affect your health.

It is measured by the body mass index, the (BMI).
The one that is the calculation dividing a person's weight into kilograms.
Then by the squared height in meters.

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So, it seems complicated, right? But it is not!

Obesity can cause many health problems, some of them are:

Heart diseases: It increases the risk of these diseases, as the high volume of fat in the body can lead to greater plaque in the arteries.

In this sense, they can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Type 2 diabetes: Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
Because body fat can lead to insulin resistance.
Which can result in high blood sugar levels.
Which is very dangerous.

Sleep disorders: May increase the risk of sleep apnea.
A condition in which breathing stops during rest time.

Cardiovascular diseases: Increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Including high blood pressure, coronary artery disease.

Breathing problems: Obesity can cause respiratory problems.
For example, how apnea of sleep and asthma.

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Joints: May increase the risk of osteoarthritis.
In other words, a disease that attacks the joints.

Mental health issues: Therefore, causing depression and anxiety.

Cancer: Increases the risk of various types of cancer.
Such as breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Liver Health Problems: It can lead to liver health problems, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH), in addition to cirrhosis.

Sexual health problems: Obesity can affect a person's sexual health, causing erectile dysfunction in men.
And fertility problems in women.

Furthermore, obesity can also affect people's quality of life.

Therefore, it is important to have healthy habits!!
Like good nutrition and regular exercise.
Therefore, avoiding obesity and its damage to health.

Today, there are several tools to measure weight on cell phones.

So, look at some examples:


It's a nutrition and exercise tracking app.
But it can also be used for weight control.

It allows you to record your current weight, set weight goals, and track your progress over time.

Available to iOS It is android

Google Fit:

Popular health and wellness app that can be used to manage weight along with other health metrics.
Like exercise and sleep.

Las mejores aplicaciones para medir el peso.
The best apps to measure weight.

It also comes together with other tools to give you a complete picture of your health.

Weight Monitor:

Simple tool that allows you to record your weight on a daily basis.
Additionally, the user can see their progress over time.

It also has functions like graphs to help you better understand your weight changes.


Physical activity tracking app that can be used to control weight.

It integrates with all devices.
Furthermore, Fitbit provide a complete picture of your health and well-being.

Read too:

Quit smoking with apps.

Read deleted messages from WhatsApp.

Finally, you need to remember that even though these apps can be useful in controlling your weight.
It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before making changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Links to download:

Google Fit
Weight Monitor