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If will automate domestic tasks in the next decade? Yes, it is possible that household tasks will become automatic in the near future.

As we know, technology is part of our everyday life, and with several factors it would not be different in our homes.

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Today, there are some devices and technologies that are being developed to automate them domestic tasks.

¿Se automatizarán las tareas domésticas?
Will domestic tasks be automated?

For example, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and independent washing machines with intelligent functions, automated lighting systems and virtual personal assistants that can control multiple household appliances at home.

Following the approval of Law No. 150, in 2015, Constitutional Enmienda No. 72 was established, domestic workers began to have new rights.

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After the approval of the law, you have additional direct nights, food, breaks to rest among others.

However, it is important to remember that the automation of domestic tasks does not mean that all domestic tasks will be completely automated, which means that people will not need to participate in them. domestic tasks.

On the contrary, it is likely that people still need to participate in some domestic tasks, but tasks that are routine and tedious can be automated, which allows people to have more free time to dedicate themselves to other activities.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the challenges and limitations of automating domestic work.


¿Se automatizarán las tareas domésticas
Household tasks will be automated

Some tasks, such as caring for children or mayors, require skills and empathy that cannot be easily automated.

Furthermore, automation may not be accessible to everyone, especially those with limited financial resources.

In short, automate them domestic tasks It's a real possibility, but it's important to carefully consider its benefits and limitations before implementing it on a large scale.

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