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Take a look at this article at a list of underground cities around the world, some of them are publicly accessible.

Underground cities are cities built beneath the surface of the earth, in caves, mines or other underground structures.

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These cities can be found in various places around the world, from Cappadocia en Turkey until Mount Shasta en California.

Historically, underground cities have been built as a means of protection against invaders and enemies.

Menudo was used as a refuge during periods of war or conflict.

They will also be used for religious purposes, as places of worship, or as food storage spaces and other benefits.

Some of the best known underground cities include Derinkuyu in Turkey, which is considered one of the largest and most complex underground cities ever discovered, with more than 18 floors and enough space to house about 20,000 people.

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Also the underground city of Naours, France, which was home to some 3,000 people during the First World War.


Wieliczka salt mine (Poland)) – Considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1987, located in the south of Poland.

Ciudades subterráneas de todo el mundo.
Underground cities around the world.

It was built under the XLLL symbol, a period in which salt was very noble and had a high value, being sought after by traders from all over the world.

Berlin Bunkers (Germany)

Since the outbreak of the Second World War, cities in Germany and Europe have built famous underground bunkers.

The structures are fortified and built beneath the ground.

In this way, resisting harsh attacks.

Moose Jaw Tunnels (Canada)

The yellow danger arose through a racist theory to describe Eastern Asians as certain threats to the Western world.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with special strength in the United States and Canada, legal Chinese immigrants who lived in Canada created tunnels to shelter their compatriots who arrived illegally from the United States, where they suffered various types of persecution.

Ciudades subterráneas de todo el mundo.
Underground cities around the world.

Although underground cities are less common today, they are still used in some parts of the world for a variety of purposes.

Including refuge in case of natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, and as military or government installations.

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