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If you like traveling, you need to look at the ranking of the best places to visit in the world.

According to the “Oscar” of the travelers, US News & World Report I ranked some of the best places to visit as soon as you have the opportunity.

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No matter your style, you will surely find your favorite place to hang the mouse and spend the holidays.

Starting from Argentine Patagonia, up to the Gran Barrera de Coral in Australia, I'm sure that in this list the continuation will find great inspirations even with an adjusted assumption.

For example, tickets to Europe always come with incredible promotions in places like Best Destinations, Promo Tickets or Unmissable Tickets.

It all depends on your lifestyle.

The extensive list contains Cusco- Peru, London- England, Rome- Italy, New York- EE.UU., Maui, Hawaii – EE.UU., Ciudad del Cabo – South Africa, Barcelona- Spain, Sydney- Australia among others.

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Take a look at some of the places you may have never heard of, but you need to know.

Los mejores lugares para visitar en el mundo.
The best places to visit in the world.

La Gran Barrera de Coral – Australia

In addition to being a World Heritage Site, it is considered one of the seven marvels of the world, and it is a place that you need to know urgently.

This is due to the fact that the site, unfortunately, has been facing a serious risk of coral “bleaching” due to the increase in ocean temperatures.

Paris- France

By assumption we have seen many film scenes in Paris, but you haven't had any desire to know, right?

The city of Luces will never stop being one of the best places that you need to visit at least once in your life.

Bora Bora – French Polynesia

Although it is a wonderful and small island, it will be third this year in the most visited places.

Containing these paradisiacal views, large and luxurious resorts.

Despite being an island, Bora Bora has a giant structure, which allows tourists one of the most notable experiences of life.

Los mejores lugares para visitar en el mundo.
The best places to visit in the world.

Florence - Italy

Much seen in soap opera scenes, posing a spirit that tells Italy at the time of the Renaissance.

Pose large art galleries with some of the most famous and valuable pieces from around the world.

With wonderful landscapes that are undoubtedly worth visiting.

Tokyo- Japan

The frenetic city of Tokyo is always on this list.

To visit it you need a specific assumption.

The ideal is to go between the end of March and April, which is the time when the famous cherries are born.

Continue with Jornal-Livre.