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The Federal Chamber of Mexico decided on June 10, 2022 to prohibit concerts in the main plaza, famous log races.

This surprising decision was made on issues related to the fight against animal abuse.

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According to information provided by the Spanish newspaper El País, then federal judge Jonathan Bass ordered the ban and the end of the shows at the Plaza de Toros Monumental, located in the City of Mexico.

In this sense, at the end of May, behind a protection promoted by the civil association Justicia Justa, the treatment given to the bulls was considered “degrading”, which is why it is supposed to be a serious vulnerability of the healthy environment provided for by the law of country, which consists of a good relationship between animals and humans.

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However, lawyer Mariana Ruiz Albarrán says that this judicial decision is still not definitive, due to the company Tauro Plaza México, which operates the arena and also the Government of the City of Mexico, having 10 days to file the objection. this decision before a collegiate court.

Before that time, the arena schedule is at a standstill.

Famosas corridas de toros prohibidas, entiéndelo.
Famous bullfights are prohibited, understand.

For the judge Bass, this definitive suspension of bullfighting It would allow the authorities to exercise their legal powers, avoiding any violation of the right to the sane environment that could cause unjust death and cruel suffering to the toros, becoming a benefit for the entire Mexican society.

Thus, in the sentence the judge argues that even though this practice is cultural and recreational in society, the animal is sometimes regrettably inherited, tortured or even murdered.

Therefore, a very rigorous evaluation is necessary to see below these actions and their appropriate negative impacts on animals.

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Finally, according to El País, this official decision of justice could extend from the City of Mexico to all other locations in the country.