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If we were unable to do so before, now we can read messages that were deleted from Whatsapp quickly and easily.

With the help of Notisave, an application that is designed especially for those people who unconsciously or consciously deleted some important information from the conversation application.

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App available for free to read messages that have been deleted from Whatsapp capturing and storing the content of notifications from your app.

This way, even if your message is deleted, you can have access to the screen captures that are saved.

Another good thing is that this also applies to those messages in temporal mode from this mobile messaging network.

Notes can be saved even if they have been activated and are deleted within the expiry period.

Ahora puede leer mensajes de WhatsApp ya eliminados a través de Notisave.
Now you can read WhatsApp messages that have been deleted through Notisave.

What is Notisave and how does it work?

Application available in Google Play Store stores, has more than 10,000 downloads and a rating of 3.8 stars given by its users.

Once downloaded, the user can select Whatsapp y enjoy this benefit that the app offers.

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Individually, your messages are saved in captures, but for groups, the solo application will be used if administrators activate it.

Quickly and easily, Natisave manages your notifications and ensures that your messages are deleted from Whatsapp There's no problem.

This screen capture is taken and stored in one place, keeping your notification bar always clear.

The user can read chats even if they are offline and recover deleted messages.

In addition to reading these messages, the application also allows the user to download the content of a notification and share it with any contact.

You can save your own conversation history without opening it.

To evaluate your responses, simply review your conversation by screen capture, which can be uploaded to the cloud, without having to use the internal storage of your device.

Quickly locate your captures from screen to screen, and read messages even when there are no open spaces, keeping them “on view”, with the capture you can see them.

An important point to keep in mind is that the application does not apply to files such as audio, videos or images.

The tool requires approximately 117 MB of RAM.

Available for operating system users android y iPhone (iOS).

Download this app and you won't regret it, it will help you keep your notification bar clean so you can receive and see the most important messages throughout the day.

Therefore, even if you do not read at this time when working on other important tasks, messages will be saved to respond to at the most appropriate time.

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In this sense, you will not lose contact with your family and friends, you will only take a moment of the day to enter and review conversation captures, managing more of your time and organizing messages to respond to as a priority, which you can expect a little more for the answer.