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Despite the photos of children, there is nothing more fun than, as an adult, knowing How would you see yourself when you were younger?. This is possible through the application FaceApp, which we will talk more about in this post.

If posting different and fun photos and videos is something you enjoy, this filter should be on your list.

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FaceApp I'm famous for the filter that envy people, but many don't know that it also offers the opposite.

As a result, using this filter, you can create fun montages comparing your current self with your teenage self.

Furthermore, your publications will be a great success on social networks and among friends and family.

Using the filter is very simple and we will continue to explain more about this application y its operation.

What is the FaceApp application and how does it work?

FaceApp It's a photo editor that works using Artificial Intelligence.

There application It has several filtering options and editing tools that can be used by the user.

The user can change aspects such as brightness, saturation, light effects, etc.

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Furthermore, the application has super fun filters to simulate but I come, but young and even meet your famous twin.

App que te hace más joven: Conoce FaceApp
App that makes you younger: Discover FaceApp

The application is very simple and intuitive, which makes it easier to use for people of any age who want to try it.

As a result, it has become one of the most popular and downloaded applications, with more than 500 million downloads.

Next, we will teach you how you can simulate how you would see yourself if you were younger using the filter FaceApp.

How to use the younger appearance filter

The first step is to download it application which is available for telephones android y iOS.

The application is free, but there is also a premium version that offers more filter and effect options.

After downloading, click on “open” and you will be able to access the application.

On the home page, the user must click “Allow” so that the application has access to photos from their gallery.

Once here, you can choose which filter you want to use, in which case we will teach you how to apply it filter that makes it newer.

To do it, tap the camera icon and put it on your face, then take a selfie.

If you like the photo taken and it is chosen, click on the age filter at the bottom of the screen.

From the options, select Young 2 O Young.

After this step, the filter will be applied to the screen and you only need to click “Apply” to approve.

Sencillo, right?

Now that you have learned to use the filter that rejuvenates people, don't waste time.

Check out your app store and download FaceApp.

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In addition to having fun, you can also share the result on your social networks with friends and family.