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Practically everyone has heard from a friend or someone close to them who looks like someone famous

Our appearance and family members that we can end up being with someone is a very curious and interesting fact. 

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There is a theory that we all have a “double” somewhere in the world, someone identical to us. 

Can you imagine this person being with someone? famous

With that in mind, let's present a application that helps you find out what celebrity you are you look like

The application Star By Face intend to show the user what famous person looks like and even allows you to share the result. 

Next we will show how this works application and where to find it. 

Star By Face App 

The application Star By Face you can find so much for mobile phones android as iOS (iphone). 

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The results that the app presents are very famous in Instagram trends, due to its technology. facial recognition

The app uses a system that identifies the main points on the user's face and compares them with selfies famous

The aspects of the face such as the eyes, the nose, the mouth and the eyes are considered to be compared. 

How does the Star By Face app work? 

After download the application, the user must follow a few steps to find out what celebrity looks like

1. Al open it application, the person must add your own photo, using the buttons available on the screen. You can take a photo instantly or add one to your photo gallery. 

¿A qué famoso me parezco? - La app Star By Face te ayuda.
What famous person do I look like? – The Star By Face app helps you.

2. After that, click on “Accept“. If the user selects “feminine”, only images of famous women, the same thing happens with “masculine" for men

3. After these first steps, you need to select the “option”Best couple”, this way the application will show them celebrities who look more like you. 

4. Finally, just choose the social network that you would like share the result 

There application It also has an online platform that can be accessed from computers and mobile browsers. 

To access the website, the user will find the same functionality as the application. 

However, you won't have the option to take a photo right away, just upload an existing one to the gallery on your computer or cell phone. 

The site is quite simple and intuitive. 

After climbing it Photograph, the site presents options for celebrities who look like the user and the result can be shared. 

Don't be curious, download it application visit him website y find out what famous person you look like

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Maybe this will be a great and fun revelation to share with your friends.