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Do you know what it is? glucose and how does it influence the health of people? 

There glucose is a carbohydrate (sugar) of the monosaccharide type. 

You are one of them carbohydrates most important for our body, being a source of primary energy for the majority of organisms. 

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However, if the person has a level of glucose very loud, it can cause serious problems, being the main one there diabetes

For this reason, it is of utmost importance that control glucose levels in blood. 

Especially if you are prone to it diabetes or you have this medical condition. 

What is diabetes and what is its relationship with glucose? 

There diabetes It is a chronic illness and its main characteristic is the increase in blood levels. sugar in blood. 

This happens because there insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose from blood to cells, it does not occur or it does not function properly. 

As a result, sugar accumulates in the blood and is not used by our body cells. 

There are four main types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Gestational diabetes y prediabetes

Each one has a particularity, but the warning that they all have in common is the need for monitor blood glucose levels

With this in mind, in addition to medical monitoring, with the advancement of technology, they applications created can help with this task. 

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These applications help measure blood glucose levels

The best part is that you can install it on your phone and use the applications is easy and simple. 

Next, we will present some of them best apps to measure glucose

El Freestyle Libre it's a sensor glucose measurement that takes years in the market. 

Las mejores apps para medir la glucosa
Best apps to measure glucose

With the latest technological updates, the company in charge of producing the sensors decided to create an application that helps patients. 

As a result, the application was created Freestyle LibreLink y es very easy to use. 

Therefore, before purchasing the sensor and placing it on the arm, the patient must download the application and follow the measurements on the cell phone. 

There application allows the user to have access to their measurement history, in addition to monitor your daily diet

You can find the application for devices android It is iOS (iphone). 


It is application It is very complete and brings many features to the user. 

The main ones are him glucose control, through daily measurement, storage and protection of patient data. 

Another interesting aspect is the possibility of sharing application information with your doctor. 

Furthermore, the application also provides a nutrition and exercise guide to help the user. 

The application is available for the systems iOS (iphone)y android

One Drop: Transform Your Life 

The application One Drop It is one of the most complete available today. 

It relies on a network of people and professionals who can help by answering questions and sharing experiences. 

Furthermore, the app offers a personalized plan for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, among other illnesses. 

There application It also has a specific tool for it. glucose measurement, weight control, sugar and physical activity. 

Everyone is just using your cell phone. 

Read also:

How to make a troubleshooting problem on your cell phone.

Find out which apps support free Wi-Fi networks.

it is available for android y iOS (iphone). 

These applications make life much easier for patients who need control your glucose

So share this information with your friends and stay informed about the best applications to measure it glucose