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This option is available in FaceApp; learn more about the filter that makes you look younger.

If you like posting different and fun photos, you need to know the filter that is popular.

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O Fac4eApp is an image editing application that has several options to apply to photos.

One of them is the filter that leaves the person younger in photos.

In other words, with this filter, the user can simulate their youthful appearance.

In addition to being able to compare with the Old pictures, it is still possible to share the result on social networks.

So, if you want to create different content, this filter is a great alternative.

In this sense, just download the FaceApp on your cell phone and edit your photo to look younger.

In this text, we will explain how to find and apply the filter to images.

It's easy and you can carry out the procedure in just a few clicks.

How does FaceApp work?

O FaceApp is an app that allows you to edit images.

These edits are carried out by Artificial Intelligence.

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With the app, the user can create incredible photos, applying the different filters available.

The app quickly became a phenomenon, reaching 500 million downloads. 

In it, you will find several filters, effects and even backgrounds to edit your photos.

Furthermore, the app also has several editing tools.

For example, contrast, brightness, saturation, temperature control, light effects, among others.

However, the app still has fun filters for your photos.

Among them, the filter that allows you to become older, apply a beard and mustache and swap faces with your friend.

As well as knowing who your famous twin is and the filter that makes you younger

And it's about the filter that makes you younger which we are going to talk about now.

How to apply the filter that makes your photos look younger

First, access the app store from your smartphone and do the download of FaceApp.

Aplicativo para simular mais novo.
Application to simulate newer.

It is available for both android as for iOS (iPhone) for free.

However, the app still has a premium version, which has more filters and effects available.

After finishing the download, click in "Open" to access the application for the first time.

You must follow the explanation indicated until the end of the page.

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Application that simulates how you would look bald.

Want to know how you would look older? Simulate quickly.

Then click “Start“.

When accessing the app's home screen, click on “To allow“, below the option “Allow access to photos”.

This way, the app will be able to access photos from your phone's gallery.

Once this is done, we will apply the filter that makes you younger.

To do this, tap the camera and also allow that the app take photos.

Position your face in the indicated location and take a selfie.

Remember to choose a well-lit location, this way, the result will be even better.

After taking the photo, click on the filter Age, located in the bottom corner of the screen.

In this step, select the option Young 2 or Young.

This way, the filter will be applied to the photo.

After viewing the result, click To apply.


Now you can see your younger image.

You can still share the result in your social media.

This way, other people will be able to see the created content.