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Currently we have so many social networks to post our photos that every day, new ideas and updates are created, even duplicate photos and create clones.

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You have certainly seen photos in which a person appears several times in the same image, as if they had been cloned

But how is it possible clone yourself, someone else, or even an object in the photo?

Some photo editing apps, available for download from your smartphone's app store, allows you to perform this action on the desired image. 

This way, in the same photo, you can appear more than once, in different positions and places.

This is a great alternative to make your photo more fun and different and you can share the result with your friends, through your social media

To help with this task, we have listed some of these applications below, available for download through Android and iOS (iPhone) operating systems.

DMD Clone

Available for download for operating system only android, O DMD Clone is an application cloning fully automated photo capture. 

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This way, the user will not need to edit image by image.

To obtain the desired result, the user will need to photograph between three and seven images, so DMD Clone will do the editing for you. 

The results are already shown while the user is taking photos.

Clone Camera Pro

Available for Download for Android (free) and iOS (iPhone) – paid PRO version, the application allows you to combine up to 6 photos on iPhone and 4 on Android. 

To use the app and clone the person in the image, you need to take photos or choose the desired image from your gallery and choose the person who will be cloned.

In addition to cloning a person, you can also duplicate any object present in the photo.

Split Camera – Mirror Pic Crop

With 14 different layouts available, the application is available for download only to users of iOS (iPhone).

Aplicativos para clonar foto.
Apps to clone photos.

As Split Camera – Mirror Pic Crop, it is possible for the person to appear up to 3 times in the same image.  

The app even allows you to mix photos into the same image or make different collages. 

You can use the images available in your smartphone's gallery or take a photo directly through the app to edit it.

Split Pic

O Split Pic is also available for download only for the system iOS (iPhone). 

This app allows the user duplicate the person photographed by merging or pasting photos using images saved in the cell phone gallery or taking a photo on the spot. 

When you finish editing the photo, you can share the result created on your social networks. 

Split Camera

Through Split Camera it's possible clone the person photographed in an easy and simple way.

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To do this, the user must take two photos and join the two, making the desired edits in sequence.

To clone the desired person or object, simply use the effect Timer

The app is available to system users android.

Ghost Lens

Through the app Ghost Lens, the user can create the illusion that their cloned image has the aesthetics of a ghost.

This app has been very successful among people who like to play with cloning of photos and is available for download for Android and iOS (iPhone)

So now that you know how duplicate photos Don't waste time and start having fun right now.