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Do you want to monitor your pregnancy in an easy and simple way, discover apps for monitor pregnancy via cell phone.

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To the find out about pregnancy, the woman goes through a whirlwind of emotions: apprehension, happiness, fear, anguish, anxiety.

This is a moment that changes the minds of future mothers, there is no denying it. 

And the period of gestation it also brings a lot of news, discoveries and learning.

Prenatal care, where it is possible to monitor the baby's progress, is something that must be carried out correctly, in order to anticipate possible problems. 

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However, today there are several applications where pregnant women can make several discoveries and curiosities about the pregnancy.

These apps promise to clarify doubts about pregnancy, in addition to offering useful information that follows a woman's pregnancy week by week. 

After all, in addition to the belly, curiosity also grows.

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Future mothers want to better understand the changes in their baby's body and development.

The options available in the applications meet both mothers regarding the country, who can understand and learn more about this period.

Are you curious to know which apps you can download to monitor pregnancy?

We will list some of them below, available for download in the systems android It is iOS (iPhone). 

  • My Pregnancy and My Baby Today

Using the app above, you can monitor beyond pregnancy, the child's first year.

The app offers several features, such as pregnancy calendar, where the pregnant receive exercise and health tips, nutrition tips and recipes.

A feature of the application are illustrative videos of how the baby is growing in the belly each complete week of the baby. pregnancy, where a comparison with fruits and vegetables is available that allows parents to get an idea of the size, weight and length of the fetus. 

It is still possible to record the growth of the belly and, later, transform these images into video. 

  • Kangaroo Pregnancy

This application proposes a complete pregnancy monitoring, guiding not only the future moms, but also to those who are trying to get pregnant.

Using the app is very simple, with no major features available.

However, this does not prevent it from being efficient in matters of information and informative content to pregnant women, where it is possible to organize consultations, vaccinations, exams and also create a digital prenatal card, containing all the baby's important information. 

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  • Pregnancy+

This is considered number one in the world, with great reviews both in App Store as Google Play.

It has an easy and simple interface to use, in addition to being very complete in terms of the needs of the user. pregnant

It is possible to create a personal diary, informing the weight of the fetus, in addition to informing appointments with the doctor.

The app also has a functionality where moms They can time the contractions and there is also a baby kick timer, in addition to being able to create a list of baby names. 

The application has more than 20 million users worldwide, a real success.

  • Pregnancy – Sprout

Lastly, we list the Pregnancy – Sprout, which draws attention because its features include an image that resembles a very detailed 3D ultrasound.

When touching the image, the pregnant is informed about what is happening to the fetus in the week corresponding to pregnancy.

The application also offers an area where you can enter appointment dates and to-do lists related to the baby's arrival.

With so many options, just select your favorite, carry out the Download on your cell phone and start following the changes and curiosities of pregnancy during the 9 months.