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meet the Vale Gás SP program, the program that is available and that you will benefit from 3 installments of R$ 100.00.     

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At the beginning of June, the Sao Paulo's State Government, through Governor João Dória, announced the creation of the Vale Gás program SP, aiming to benefit the families that are part of the Single Registry of the Federal Government (CádÚnico), but do not receive the Bolsa Família.

In a press conference, the governor, together with Célia Parnes, secretary of Social Development, stated that the program will make available value of R$ 100.00 in the form of a voucher for approx. 100 thousand families, totalizing 500 thousand people benefiting from the measure.

O cooking gas there was a significant increase in price at the beginning of the month, since the increase in tariffs announced by Petrobras came into force.

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The price of the product was adjusted by 5%, thus, the value charged at distributors had an increase ranging from R$ 2.00 to R$ 5.00.

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There are cities where the gas value is being practiced close to R$ 100.00.

It is worth remembering that this increase has been cumulative, since 2020 the cooking gas has undergone readjustments, impacting the consumer's pocket.

According to data from the Sindigás (distributors union), based on a survey of ANP (oil agency), from June 2020 to June this year, Petrobras increased the price of a 13 kg cylinder at the refinery by 93.64%.

Programa Vale Gás.
Vale Gás Program.

How do I know if I am entitled to the benefit?

Families can check whether they are entitled to the benefit on the website:, bearing the number of NIS or you can also contact us via Call Center of the Social Development Secretariat of the State of São Paulo by phone (11) 2763-8103.

For those who do not have access to the internet, the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) will be available to assist and answer questions. 

The families that were selected are registered in the Single Registration living in poverty or extreme poverty, which is equivalent to R$ 178 in income per capita monthly.

Whoever is entitled to Vale Gás Program will receive, in total, three installments in R$ 100.00, totalizing R$ 300.00.

The release of the benefit is expected to begin the next day. July 20th.

To the other installments are planned for the months of September It is December this year.

Around R$ 30 million will be invested in the program, according to the state government.

Below is the list of cities participating in the Vale Gás Program:

  • Americana, Amparo, Atibaia
  • Bananal, Barueri, Bauru, Bertioga, Biritiba-Mirim, Botucatu
  • Caçapava, Caieiras, Cajamar, Campinas, Campo Limpo Paulista, Campos do Jordão, Capivari, Caraquatatuba, Carapicuíba, Cordeirópolis, Cotia, Cruzeiro, Cubatão
  • Diadem
  • Embu das Artes
  • Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Francisco Morato, Franco da Rocha
  • Guaratinguetá, Guarujá, Guatulhos
  • Hortolândia
  • Ibirarema, Ibiúna, Ilhabela, Itapecerica da Serram, Itapevi, Itaquaquecetuba, Itirapina, Itu
  • Jacareí, Jandira, Jundiaí
  • Lorraine
  • Mairinque, Mairiporã, Marília, Mauá, Mogi das Cruzes
  • Osasco
  • Pederneiras, Peruíbe, Piracicaba, Pirapora do Bom Jesus, Poá, Praia Grande
  • Ribeirão Pires, Ribeirão Preto, Rio Claro, Rio Grande da Serra
  • Salto, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, Santana de Parnaíba, Santo André, Santos, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, São Pedro, São Roque, São Sebastião, São Vicente, Sorocaba, Sumaré, Suzano
  • Tabatinga, Taboão da Serra, Tatuí, Tremembé
  • Ubatuba
  • Várzea Paulista, Votorantim

Don't waste time and enter the program's website right now to see if you are eligible, and where you can collect your Voucher of the Vale Gás Program.