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If you need a little push to start training, we'll introduce you to some apps for home training.

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Did you gain weight during the pandemic? Want to lose weight, but don't have time to go to the gym or even do it? physical activities outdoors?

Much less availability to consult a nutritionist?

Well now, you have no more excuses, once again technology comes to help you! Who has discipline You can train anywhere and with that in mind, we selected the best apps for home training, to help you with this process.

Perhaps the best known among them is the app “daily burn”, where you find advertisements whenever you access the social media.


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However, there are several applications today for this purpose.

And there are applications for all tastes and budgets, after all, having a healthy life Currently, it is no longer a privilege for just a few people, right?

Many applications have paid versions with extra features and benefits, however, the versions available for free are also very complete and satisfy the vast majority of users.

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It is important to remember that the practice of physical activities regularly, in addition to being good for the body, it is essential for the well-being and health, reducing the risk of developing heart disease in addition to releasing endorphins and giving more disposition to continue the day. 

And then? Do you want to start train at home? Below are some apps that will help you live a better life. healthy

  • Daily Burn

As mentioned at the beginning of the text, Queima diaria became the best known among them.

The app offers a diverse catalog of more than 1,100 video classes with exercises that can be done in up to 30 minutes.

This application is available in versions android It is iOS (Iphone) and costs R$ 29.00. 

  • Nike Training Club

Also very well known, the app was developed by those who understand the subject: Nike is the mind behind this app, which has also been a success among users.

It allows you to determine the your training focusing on your moment and the parts of the body you want to work on.

The app records the history of your activities for your monitoring, where you can check the amount of training performed and the total time spent. Available to android It is iOS (iPhone), and the application has no cost, look how good it is, completely free home workout

  • 7 Minute Workout
Aplicativos para treinar em casa.
Apps for training at home.

As the name suggests, the app provides the user with quick workouts.

It is ideal for people who don't have time, but want to lead a healthy life and practice physical activities.

The workouts allow you to exercise your arms, legs, abdomen and glutes.

A 30-day challenge is also available, which you can complete based on your profile: beginner, intermediate or advanced.

It is also available for systems android It is iOS (iPhone) for free. 

  • J&J Official 7 Minute Workout 

Finally, another app with short workouts for those who have little free time.

You will have exercises such as jumping jacks and squats, you also have the option to activate stretching before starting your workout.

One note: the app is only available on English both in the system android how much iOS (Iphone) and has a free version and a paid version, but it doesn't change much, it's more about removing ads. 

Now there are no more excuses for train at home.

So, have you chosen yours yet? Machete download and start your training at home now!