News about the digital world

Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS
Entiende un poco más sobre Cosme y Damian.

Understand a little more about Cosme and Damian.

First, do you know who Cosme and Damian were? If the answer is no, continue with this post and we will explain it to you. So we're going to tell you a little more about the story that it has. Cosme and Damián were twin brothers, born…

Curiosidades sobre la antigua civilización de Grecia.

Curiosities about the ancient civilization of Greece.

We know that this Greek civilization has served as an inspiration for designers and artists until today. We are in the midst of a Hellenistic Renaissance, a great fascination with the marvelous aesthetics of Antigua Greece. For example, columns…

Sin límites: the famous Spanish miniseries.

Spanish miniseries, starring Rodrigo Santoro and Álvaro Morte (known worldwide as Profesor, in the series La Casa de Papel). Along with renowned director Simon West, starring in films such as Los mercenarios, Lara Croft among others. The new miniseries narrates…

Las rutas migratorias más peligrosas del mundo.

The most dangerous migratory routes in the world.

Unfortunately, we know that many deaths occur due to migratory routes that take countless people. Since 2014, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an agency owned by the UN, has estimated the death or disappearance of some 50,000 migrants...

Famosas corridas de toros prohibidas, entiéndelo.

Famous bullfights are prohibited, understand.

The Federal Chamber of Mexico decided on June 10, 2022 to prohibit concerts in the Plaza Mayor, famous bullfighting races. This surprising decision was made on issues related to the fight against animal abuse. According to…

Bolsa de valores de EUA: Comprenda.

US Stock Exchange: Buy.

To begin with, during the pandemic the stock market managed to obtain surreal gains, but do you know what happened with the Stock Exchange? However, 2022 brings a year full of good news, including those inverters that are working all …

Vuelo Alto: Película exitosa en Netflix.

Vuelo Alto: Successful film on Netflix.

Vuelo Alto, one of the most watched films currently on Netflix, tells the story of a professional basketball player. The comic actor Adam Sandler resorted to his favorite sport, counting on the participation of numerous real players, like this …

Val d'Aran, conoce este hermoso pueblo en Francia.

Val d'Aran, know this beautiful village in France.

Firstly, we have to know that geographically speaking, the small mountain valley of Val d'Aran should be in France. But it is the only community within the contiguous borders of Spain that is located on the northern slope of …