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Natação: Jogos Olímpicos Paris 2024

Swimming: Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Modality is always one of the most anticipated events, right? Swimming: Paris 2024 Olympic Games, see where to watch. Just imagine, those swimmers flying in the water, breaking records and competing for the long-awaited Olympic gold?! Therefore, there will be all kinds of…

JOGOS OLÍMPICOS PARIS 2024- Onde assistir

OLYMPIC GAMES PARIS 2024- Where to watch

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games promise new things, as we know, it will take place in Paris, between July 26th and August 11th. The headquarters is a city full of style and history, so you can imagine that it will…

Denuncia anônima online- Entenda como funciona

Anonymous reporting online - Understand how it works

You know that situation you saw and want to help, but can't expose yourself? So, we will teach you how to make this anonymous report online. Of course, we never want to go through an uncomfortable situation like this. But it's always good to be...

New rules for income tax in 2023 are established.

Consult the new rules and tax information on income for 2023. Remembering that the period for submission begins on March 15th. Who must declare the citizen who lives in Brazil, who receives unaffordable income greater than…

¿Cuánto tiempo necesitamos para dormir?

How much time do we need to sleep?

Sleep is essential for well-being and body and mind health, but have you ever asked yourself how much time do we need to sleep? The amount of weight required varies depending on age and lifestyle…

Información sobre OVNI encontrado en EUA.

Information about UFO found in the USA.

What information do we have about the UFO found in the USA?, check out this publication for the latest updates. Last weekend, three unidentified flying objects (UFOs) were crashed while roaming the sky in Canada and …

Controversy involving McGregor.

Here, at a moment another new controversy arises that involves McGregor who has been in the news before. The Irish luchador is always a personaje on controversial topics, both for the game of scams before …

Obtenga su RFC gratis usando su CURP.

Get your RFC for free using your CURP.

The use of technology has assured us several positive changes in our daily activities, including obtaining your RFC. Facilitating and optimizing our time in some way, in addition to some materials that can be silently replaced by it…