News about the digital world

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QR Code

QR Code Creator to Receive Payments

If you are a frequent user of Pix, you may have already come across the need for an application to generate QR Code Pix, making it easier to receive payments in an efficient and agile way. In this article, we will explore how…

Controle seus gastos com aplicativos.

Control your app spending.

Find out how these tools can help you, and control your expenses with applications available today. So, if you have no experience with the subject. Using apps can be an easier way to monitor your finances. In that sense, if…

Entenda o que é o mercado bitcoin e como ele funciona

Understand what the bitcoin market is and how it works

If you know what the bitcoin market is and how it works, let's explain a little about this subject. You've certainly heard about bitcoin at some point. Whether it’s some news on the internet, a conversation between friends or commercials on…