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Some tools today are making the agronomist's life much easier. Including apps, so check out some of the apps most used by agronomists.

Before, professionals had to rely on a lot of paper, notes and even luck to take care of the plantations.

But now, with these apps, everything is in the palm of your hand.

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In other words, some of them monitor the weather in real time, so we can already know if it will rain or not and if we need to irrigate more.

There are also mapping apps that show the areas of the farm, where the crops are grown and where more fertilizer is needed.

They help improve harvests, save water and reduce the use of chemical products, which is top for sustainability.

Other than that, there are apps that analyze the soil and tell you what's needed for plants to grow better, without needing so much trial and error.

And for those who have livestock, there are even apps that monitor the animals' health and help manage the herd more efficiently.

It's a revolution, because now agronomists have more control and information when making important business decisions.

Check out some of the apps most used by agronomists:

CHB Agro

With more than 35 years of history, the software is specific for some things.

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For example, citrus, sugarcane, grains, coffee between others.

With more than 300 customers, 4,500 users and more than 600 farms implemented, it counts on the help of 90 professional employees to provide you with all the support and service.

O CHB Agro is a company dedicated to developing innovative technologies and solutions for agribusiness.

Confira alguns dos apps mais usados pelos agrônomos.
Check out some of the apps most used by agronomists.

They create everything from special fertilizers to advanced irrigation systems.
In other words, everything to improve the productivity and sustainability of farms.

The objective is to use science and research to face the challenges of the agricultural sector in an effective and responsible way, promoting more efficient and conscious agriculture.


The app AccuWeather It is a top ally for agronomists!

It gives accurate weather forecasts, essential for planning cultivation.

With details about temperature, humidity, wind and chance of rain, the agronomist can decide the right time to plant, water, and apply agricultural inputs.

This helps the harvest and avoid losses.

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In addition to forecasts, the app also sends instant alerts about sudden weather changes, such as storms, which are crucial for protecting crops.


The app IZagro is the agronomist's number one partner!

Therefore, it simplifies everything, from the crop monitoring until the pest control.

With it, you can monitor plant growth, analyze the soil and even receive recommendations on fertilizers and pesticides.

It's like a virtual consultant that helps you make smarter decisions, based on real data and in real time.

Furthermore, the IZagro it also sends alerts about weather conditions and pests, which is essential to protect crops.

Finally, it's an app that makes an agronomist's life much easier and more productive!

Links to download:

CHB Agro

