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The most read book in the world, it is a collection of religious texts that are considered sacred and have History of the Bible.

The number of people who read the Bible varies widely throughout the world and depends on many factors, such as culture, religion, education and tradition.

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Furthermore, there are different versions of the Bible, in different languages and formats, which can also affect the number of people who read it.

However, it is generally accepted that the Bible is one of the most read and sold books throughout the world, and is considered sacred by thousands of millions of people of different religious traditions, including Christians, Jews and Muslims.

The Bible is also an important source of literature and history, and is studied by many scholars and scholars from all over the world.

It consists of large sets of writings: Old Testament y the New Testament.

The Old Testament It is the oldest part of the Bible and contains texts that were written in Hebrew and Aramic.

It consists of 39 books that include stories, readings, prophecies and poetry. These books were written during various siglos, from approximately 1200 BC to approximately 400 BC.

The New Testament This is the most recent part of the Bible and was written in Greek.

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It consists of 27 books that include evangelical stories, letters from the apostles and the book of Apocalipsis.

These books were written between the years 50 and 100 AD

El comienzo

According to the Bible, the creation of the world was carried out by God in six consecutive days.

On the first day, God created the light and separated it from the darkness.

On the second day, created the firmament to separate the waters above and below the earth.

On the third day, God created the dry land and separated it from the water, giving way to vegetation.

On the fourth day, God created celestial bodies, like the sun, the moon and the stars, to rule day and night and separate the light from the darkness.

Historia de la Biblia.
History of the Bible.

On the fifth day, God created aquatic creatures and birds to populate the waters and the sky.

Y on the sixth day, God created terrestrial animals and finally created the human being in his image and semblance.

After the creation of the world, God rests in it seventh day, sanctifying and converting it into a holy day.

This story is found in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, and is one of the most important and influential narratives in Western culture.

Adán and Eva

According to the Bible, Adán and Eve They are considered the first man and the first woman created by God.

Fueron placed on it Garden of Eden, a perfect and sinless place where you can enjoy perfect communication with God.

Dios les dio a Adán y Eve a specific mandate not to eat the fruit of the tree from the knowledge of good and evil, but they will disobedience and end up sinning.

As a result, they were expelled from Garden of Eden, y since then, humanity has been affected by sin and separation from God.

The story of Adán and Eva is one of the most famous and important in the Bible, which represents the fall of humanity and the need for a Savior.

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It is believed that the story symbolizes the human choice to follow their own paths instead of trusting in God and following His will.

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