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The researchers declared that July (02) found that the secret tunnel is located in the pyramid of Giza.

In the hub there are records of a significant tunnel discovered within the Gran Pyramid of Giza recently.

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However, this project is due to the project called Scan Pyramid Missions, opened in 2015 and bringing together researchers from all over the world.

Being Egyptian, Canadian, French and Japanese.

El túnel secreto se encuentra en la pirámide de Giza.
The secret tunnel is located in the pyramid of Giza.

The tunnel is nine meters deep and two meters wide, inside the famous Gran Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

The discovery was announced by the Egyptian Minister of Tourism himself.

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However, there are some known tunnels inside the pyramid that have been explored over the years.

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One of the most well-known tunnels within the Gran Pirámide is the Descending Tunnel, which starts near the entrance of the pyramid and heads towards the center of the structure.
This tunnel is approximately 1 meter wide and 1.2 meters high, and its original purpose is the subject of debate.

Some theorists believe that the descending tunnel was used by ancient Egyptians as part of the pyramid construction process, while others believe that it had a religious or ritualistic function.

Others believe that the tunnel was created by tomb robbers looking for treasure inside the pyramid.

Another known tunnel inside the Gran Pirámide is the Túnel de la Reina, which starts on the south side of the structure and heads towards the center.

El túnel secreto se encuentra en la pirámide de Giza.
The secret tunnel is located in the pyramid of Giza.

This tunnel is smaller than the descending tunnel and is more difficult to navigate, but the explorers managed to reach a small chamber at the end of the tunnel.

The original function of the Tunnel de la Reina is also the subject of debate, but it is believed that it could have been used to allow pyramid workers to access the structure from the inside during construction.

Some theorists also suggest that the tunnel could have been used for religious or symbolic purposes.

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