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In this post we will understand the seriousness of earthquake that caused nitrogen in Turkey and Syria, and devastated a large part of the region in the last few days.

A set of factors involved the degree of destruction and lethality of the earthquake that measured 7.8 on the Richter scale or Moment of Magnitude Scale.

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Unfortunately, attacking southeastern Turkey and northern Syria has devastated thousands of lives in more places.

Approximately 11,000 people died, 8,574 of them in Turkey and 2,662 in Syria, and 17,000 were inherited.

The president of Turkey, Recept Tayyipi Erdogan, decreed seven days of official mourning throughout the country.

According to experts, explain a little about the tragedy, the location of the earthquake, the moment in which it occurred, the antecedents and all the somewhat strict safety measures for buildings, which were important factors to bear in mind about every disaster.

The international community mobilized to help rescue the survivor and locate the bodies.

Everything is hampered by the low temperature recorded and in bad weather.

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The epicenter that was shaken is located in the district of Pazarcik, Turkish province of Kahramanmaras, which is 60 km from the border with Syrian territory.

With a depth of 17.9 kilometers.

And it struck a very populated region, exactly at 4:17 a.m., taking everyone by surprise while they were asleep.

Causing scenes of panic, many residents came out onto the streets, even with a torrential rain falling at that moment.

Comprenda la gravedad del terremoto que azotó Turquía y Siria.
Understand the severity of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria.

Strong images from Turkish television show people wandering around in pajamas, through the snow, scared, in a state of shock, coming to rescuers to track down the rubble of their homes.

The earthquake was the strongest recorded in the country since 1939.

In the geological fall where the temblor lives, in recent times it has been relatively calm.

This region has not suffered an earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7 for more than 200 years.

According to the evaluation carried out by Roger Musson, researcher at the British Geological Survey, probably for this reason the cities that were attacked were not prepared for this phenomenon.

More than 2,800 buildings collapsed, most of them located in the Turkish cities of Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Diayarbakir and Adana.

According to Musson, a large number of people were blocked when their houses collapsed.

Even though Turkey is one of the most active seismic zones in the world, the construction methods were not really suitable for an earthquake of such magnitude.

According to one of the rescue teams, it was possible to hear voices from one side and the other, possibly around 200 people were among the rubble in that terrible moment.

While the teams were working, a resident said that 7 of the family's members would be beneath the ruins.

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