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We know that this world of technology presents us with a multitude of opportunities, including the best of administration companies.

In this sense, it is enough to investigate carefully to find ideal applications that help administrators, businesspeople and economists among other professionals in everyday tasks.

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So with these tools we can support your financial, productive, accounting and marketing process.

Reducing unnecessary costs and greatly analyzing your performance.

To help you, we came to this post to show you the best and most used applications, sometimes available for free, aimed at how to work with it. administration companies.

La Alegra

If you want to have the best management of all accounting processes and all billing in the cloud, Alegra is among the most suitable applications for you.

Mejore su administración con aplicaciones.
Improve your administration with applications.

In this sense, helping small and medium-sized companies, creating and issuing invoices in just a few seconds.

Among its numerous important functions are available the recording of income and expenses, production or marketing services.

Having access is very simple, available to users of the operating system android y iPhone (iOS), for free, just register, follow each customer, and receive all the information necessary to manage your account in a useful way.

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InvoiceToo – InvoiceToo

With this application, the user will be able to track all their business expenses and produce relevant reports.

In this way, the invoicing process is simplified as much as possible.

This is why InvoiceToo has become a good ally for creating, sending and tracking your professional invoices.

With it, the user can personalize their business by adding their own logo and marking the color of their documents.

You can also schedule payments online with your preferred card and send receipts automatically after payment, configuring notifications when invoices are received and canceled.

Furthermore, register your payments that have been divided and add your subscription and attached images.

Among the various features, the user can share the document via text, electronic mail or print.

Application available only to iPhone (iOS) system users, free of charge.

Zoho CRM

With Zoho CRM you have an ally in sales management, prioritizing the most important of your daily tasks.

The application manages your schedule and monitors the entire sales process.

With this tool you can become a better professional and in this way gain admiration from your workers, motivating the team to make more sales and improve the relationship between services and customers.

Find the app on Google Play Store and App Store for free and organize all your important meetings more efficiently.


Available for users of android y iPhone (iOS), Evernote works like a laptop that helps you improve your management.

With this, the user can save and capture all ideas and improve resources to improve their projects.

Evernote allows you to add tags, attachments and images, providing options that favor the entire administrative, evaluation, organizational and presentation process.

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