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Boticário Group is a Brazilian beauty products company, see more about it Virtual Mirror to simulate makeup.

The company focuses on the production of perfumes, products for skin and hair care and a complete line of makeup

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The products that are offered are of the highest quality and go from skin preparation, in the case of makeup, to the elimination of residues after makeup removal. 

In this way, the demand of the producer supplied by the company is very high. 

Con eso in mind, The boticario developed a tool to help its customers when purchasing makeup

El makeup simulator known as Boticário Virtual Mirror Its objective is to show the user how their face would look with the chosen makeup. 

Therefore, it is possible to obtain a preview of which product best adapts to each person's face. 

How does Espejo Virtual Boticário work? 

To access the simulator, the client must access Boticário website

How there application It is available on the official page of the website, you only need to choose the cosmetic you want to start cleaning. 

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After choosing the product, the customer must choose the photo to apply it. makeup

The mirror is located in it right side from the page. 

With the application, the product and the photo selected, the mirror will apply the effect on the photo and the preview view will be available. 

If the result is to your liking, the purchase of the chosen product can be carried out on the same website. 

Perfect makeup tips 

The function of Boticário Virtual Mirror It is very useful for those who want to try makeup products. 

Espejo Virtual Boticário
Boticario Virtual Mirror

But, how do you make perfect makeup and make the most of this technological tool? 

Some advice for one perfect makeup sound: 

1. Prepare the skin: Before applying foundation makeup For any other product, you need to clean and prepare your skin to receive makeup, wash your face with a specific product, apply a facial toner and a moisturizing cream for your skin type.

2. Primer: The primer helps to hide lines of expression and wrinkles, this way the applied makeup will hide even more of these spots. 

3. Foundation and corrector: After skin preparation and foundation application, it is necessary to apply the foundation, to even out the skin and a corrector, to hide dark spots and other imperfections. 

4. Pass the shadows: If the person wants to, this is the time to apply the shadows, which are bright colors or lighter shades. 

5. Eyeliner: Eyeliner is the last step to finish eye makeup, there are several types of eyeliner and you can choose the one that best suits you. 

6. Apply a compact octopus: The octopus will have everything makeup

7. Octopuses tanning or blushing: To give more color and naturalness makeup, the application of tanning octopuses is a blush and a problem. 

8. Lip pencil: The lip pencil has a strong relationship with it makeup of eyes, if the eye is marked, the lip pencil must be lighter and vice versa. See how it adapts best to any occasion. 

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Finally, using our advice and testing the result in Boticário Virtual Mirror, you next makeup it will be perfect. 

Access now and have a different beauty experience.