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If you use your cell phone a lot on a daily basis and want to save battery, get to know Max Battery.

The app is free and reduces application energy consumption. 

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Furthermore, it promises to improve battery life.

However, this application is only available for cell phones with an operating system android.

The app basically ends applications running in the cell phone's background.

This way, it saves the battery and also makes the device work faster.

Furthermore, it prevents it from heating up, which is common in many devices.

Not to mention that it is still possible to completely clean the trash accumulated on your cell phone.

In other words, freeing up more space in the device's memory.

Cell phone manufacturers are increasing battery life. 

However, the current time does not compare to the time when mobile telephony began.

Back then, the battery lasted for days.

Of course, in the past there weren't as many essential apps for use.

It was basically calling and texting.

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So, turn to an app that helps you save battery from your cell phone is a great option.

For you to understand a little more about how it works, we have listed a step-by-step guide below.

How to use Max Battery

Firstly, you need to download the app on your Android phone.

Just access the Google Play Store and search for the app.

Once the download is complete, click Open.

When accessing the app for the first time, click Continue.

Then tap the option Optimize.

In this part, you must select the apps you want to terminate.

Once this is done, just click again on Optimize.

An alert message will be displayed on the cell phone screen.

At this point, you need to activate access to your cell phone's accessibility settings.

Aplicativo para economizar bateria.
Application to save battery.

Just click OK.

The smartphone's accessibility settings will immediately open.

You must click on the app Max Battery and activate the function.

Finally, just wait for Max Battery to finish the apps you selected at the beginning.

This will improve battery life.

When you finish this process, click Activate

This will enable secure charging.

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This option notifies you when you can disconnect the cell phone from the charger.

Return to the app's home screen to view other features.

You can also remove useless files, check the charge, cool the battery, among others.

It is also possible to optimize the cell phone battery again.

Some tips to make your cell phone battery last longer

It is important to know that some precautions can help save battery.

As well as making it last longer.

To do this, just follow some simple tips, but they will help a lot.

Activate battery saving mode.

This way, all background functions on the cell phone are deactivated.

Lower screen brightness and reduce screen timeout. 

Keeping the screen on for a long time also drains the battery.

It is also important to keep apps and systems always up to date.

This option also contributes to battery consumption. 

Lastly, turn off the cell phone's vibration mode.

In this sense, using sounds for ringtones and notifications is ideal for those who want save battery.

Anyway, now that you've learned a little, just use the tips to save your cell phone's battery.