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Did you know that it is possible to earn extra income? walking a dog

In times of crisis, looking for extra income is common among people.

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Especially after social isolation became a reality due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Because of this, several options for extra work emerged to supplement income.

And one of these options is something very common in other countries. 

We're talking about walking dogs. 

In this sense, there are already applications where it is possible to find owners who need someone to walk their pets.

This is largely due to the increase in people's daily activities.

This way, there is less time to do any activity with the pet.

Therefore, these platforms are a great alternative for those who spend the day outside and don't have time to play with the dog. 

This way, in addition to earning extra income, you also keep your pet company, so that it doesn't stay alone all day.

After all, a little extra money at the end of the month doesn't hurt anyone, right?

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With that in mind, let's list some of the apps available for this purpose.

So, if you are interested, you can opt for one to earn money walking a dog.


One of the options for making money walking a dog It's DogHero.

The platform is one of the best known in this sector, with thousands of registered users.

Among the options available on the app, you can find job opportunities.

Furthermore, the pet owner can still find a caregiver for their animal.

In other words, the user who intends to work with DogHero can take care of the animal at home.

In other words, you can take it for a walk, play, etc.

Ganhar dinheiro passeando com Cachorro.
Earn money walking dogs.

However, it is also possible to spend time with the animal at the owner's home. 

Then just discuss directly with the dog's owner what he thinks is best.

An important point is that all users who sign up for the app undergo training.

In addition, online courses and technical knowledge tests are carried out.

All of this, with the aim of providing a quality service to those interested.

Fetch Pet Care

In addition to DogHero, there are other platforms aimed at caring for pets.

As is the case with Fetch Pet Care.

The app is available for users of Android and iOS systems (iPhone).

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The platform is one of the best known internationally and offers the most specialized services in pets.

Therefore, the app offers, in addition to the option of walking a dog, other services.

Among them, the user has the option of training puppies, veterinary assistance and transportation.

To locate people who offer services, the platform searches directly by zip code.

This way, it is possible to find people close to the user's address.


Lastly, we have PetDrive.

The app appears as an option for transporting animals, whether dogs, cats or other small animals.

In other words, it basically works like an Uber for animals.

It is ideal for those who want to earn extra income by transporting animals.

So, if you like dogs and need extra money, how about combining business with pleasure?

Just choose the app you prefer and start offering dog walking services.