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If you like fun photos, we'll teach you how to turn your photos into online caricatures. 

The practice of publishing photos on social media is increasingly popular among users, whether via stories or in the feed.

Even more so with so many effect options, filters and possibilities for creating fun photos and images.

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In this sense, applications have emerged that allow you to transform your photos or those of other people into online caricatures.

A caricature is nothing more than a drawing where the most striking characteristics of the person are highlighted.

So, below we have listed some of the apps that allow you to transform photos into online caricatures,

It is also possible to create videos with your caricature,

You can also transform photos into emoticons, among others.


O MomentCam is one of the best-known caricature apps among users who already use this option.

The caricature is generated in just five seconds.

Furthermore, using the features already captured in the image,

You can assemble the design however you prefer.

For example, you can choose the image of a football player, singer or actor, among others. 

Just put your imagination to work and create caricatures fun, whether with your photos or those of friends. 

Finally, it is still possible to transform your caricature into animated emoticons and share with your friends.

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MomentCam is available for android It is iOS (iPhone).

Cartoons & Caricatures Face App

You can combine image distortion filters with those that simulate cartoons.

This way, he can transform any photo into a caricature,

Making it look like the drawing was done by hand.

The application has more than 30 filters to make features exaggerated, after all Main feature of caricatures.

Furthermore, after generating the result, you can share the image on your social networks.

Cartoons & Caricatures Face App is only available for android.

Clip2Comic & Caricature Maker

The application has many fun and artistic options to transform your photos. 

Among the filters, the user can choose cartoon, hand-drawn and caricature.

Furthermore, it allows you to create a video by applying the effects and filters available in the application.

You can also use the image editing features available in the application itself.

In this sense, it is possible to apply brightness, contrast, saturation, etc.

Clip2Comic & Caricature Maker is only available for iOS (iPhone)

Caricaturas Online.
Online Caricatures.


If you want to turn your photos or those of your friends into caricatures, Jellify is perfect for that. 

So just choose the photo you want and apply the changes,

Like dragging your mouth to the corners to stretch it. 

As well as enlarging the eyes to make them bulge.

You make the changes and can even transform the result into a video.

The application is available for android.

Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys allows you to turn your photos into caricatures applying real strokes.

In other words, when applying the filters, your image will have a very curious effect. 

The app has a wide variety of filters and effects.

You will be able to apply the filters by selecting images from your gallery.

Also read:

Application that transforms photos into drawings.

How to request a free perfume sample.

It is also possible to take a photo directly using the app's camera.

Furthermore, it is possible to transform that group photo into a caricature.

So just select the image and apply the filter to all people.

The app is available for download foron Android and iOS (iPhone).

Cartoon Face Animation Creator

Finally, we have the application Cartoon Face Animation Creator to generate your caricatures.

The app lets you apply exaggerated and funny expressions to your photos.

However, caricatures will be generated without drawing lines.

This way, you will look like a living caricature.

Cartoon Face has fun effects,

That can turn your photos into drawings and caricatures.

Furthermore, it is possible to add emotions to the photo, such as a smile, wide eyes, among others.

In this way the Cartoon Face Animation Creator is available for iOS (iPhone).