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A art of dancing, in addition to being pleasurable, it also brings several health benefits to the body and mind. 

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A dance It is one of the physical activities that bring the most benefits to the person, as it affects the entire body, working all the muscles and, in addition, it can be practiced alone or with others. 

In addition to this, to dance It's also a great way to burn calories and lose unwanted weight, as well as increasing physical resistance, as it works the cardiorespiratory system. 

A dance It also proves to be a great remedy against depression and also helps to improve memory and motor coordination.  

A large number of people want to learn how to to dance, but many don't know how to dance or can't find a place to do so.

And, as always, technology comes to help.

Today, there are already several free dance apps downloadable for operating systems android It is iOS (iPhone), making learning easier and allowing you to exercise at home without the need to sign up to a gym. 

This way, it is possible to use a free dance app Alone or accompanied.

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Another point that is important to highlight is that these apps have a dance collection with several options, as well as choreographies to well-known songs today. 

Nowadays, it is even possible to find specific apps for a type of dance, such as rock, salsa, ballroom dancing, among others.

To help you get started with your classes, we have listed some of the free dance apps best known and their functionalities. 

JustDance Now

Just Dance Now aims to observe the dancer on the screen and repeat the movements as if they were facing a mirror. 

The platform can be accessed very simply and only requires 2 devices.

In this case, both devices need to be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.  

This way, you can view the choreography on one device while the other captures your performance. dance.

The app is very popular among users and has a collection of more than 400 songs available. 

Salsa Anywhere

Despite being focused on the salsa rhythm, the application It is recommended for people who want to learn to dance in pairs.

The app can be used in free way and has a collection of 50 songs. 

However, if you want access to more features, the app has a paid option, which provides access to a collection of 300 additional dance steps.

Aplicativos de Dança.
Dance Apps.

Ballet Lite

If you want to learn how to dance ballet, Ballet Lite is the way to go. application recommended, as it has a huge number of ballet steps for the user to learn. 

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With a very simple interface, it allows the user to choose the step they want to learn from a list available in the left corner of the screen. 

Dance Fit Studio Lite

Dance Workout is a free dance app which offers free videos teaching step-by-step choreography.

Therefore, the app has a very diverse collection and repertoire. 

This way, the user can use the app to access videos of recorded dance classes. 

Dance Workout

With a repertoire that includes salsa, aerobics, bollywood, cheerleading and street dance, the aim of the app is to get users in shape, as the songs available are very moving.

The video classes last around 30 minutes and each one has a professional teacher who teaches the dance steps.
According to experts, dancing is one of the best physical exercises to do, in addition to bringing pleasure and countless benefits. Choose the rhythm you prefer, download the app and start moving!