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Have you received a call from an unknown number and cannot identify the caller or who is calling? We will teach you how locate a person via cell phone.

This type of situation can be quite uncomfortable and lately, it occurs frequently, often, there is no time to answer the call or, when answering, the person becomes silent or the call simply ends.

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There can be several reasons for these calls to happen: a mistaken call from someone who may have confused the number or companies that sell a product or service.

Another reason, however, could be that you found a lost cell phone somewhere and want to identify the owner to return the device.


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Applications to change the color of the wall before painting.

This way, we will help you, through this text, to locate a person using their cell phone. 

Direct contact

The first and easiest option to try to identify someone using their phone number is to get back in touch with that person.

By returning the call, you can identify whether or not you know the person who contacted you via call. 

Through the search engine

Another way to locate someone using their cell phone number is using search engines such as: Google, Bing, Yahoo, among others. 

Using social media

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Registration in social media like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is linked to the user's phone number.

However, the option to make the telephone number publicly available to people is the user's choice, and this configuration is not mandatory when registering the account.

To search for people using their phone number in social media, simply enter the number in question in the search space of the social network, this way: "my number #phone number#”.

Contact your telephone operator

Some telephone operators offer an additional service for those looking to identify a telephone number.

This service is available for additional purchase and is not part of the packages already available by operators.

These additional packages include last call return and call tracking. 

Locate a person using cell phone apps

Via iPhone

In the iOS operating system (iPhone), there is, by default, the search option for people connected to the internet.

However, it is essential that the person is connected to the internet for the app to work correctly.

Therefore, if the phone is turned off, with the airplane mode option activated or disconnected from any internet access network, it will not be possible to locate the person.

It is essential that the person you want to locate also has the application installed on their smartphone.

Some devices, however, already come with the application installed from the factory, so the download of the app is discarded.

Localizar um pessoa pelo celular.
Locate a person by cell phone.

In order for you to be able to activate the search, the person to be located must accept the request for sharing, only in this way will it be possible to locate them.

Through Android using the Google Maps application

If your smartphone uses the system android, you can use the Google Maps application to locate people using their cell phone number. 

On the app's main screen, you will find a search bar.

Just open the settings page, select the “share location” and inform the duration of the sharing. 

If the person you are looking for has shared the same thing, you can easily find them. 

Via WhatsApp

Just like on Google Maps, through WhatsApp you can also locate a person through the sharing link.

To share your location and allow others to find you, or even to find a friend, simply open the conversation with the desired person and select the option “Location".

When sharing your current location, your friend or the person you want to locate automatically agrees to be located, so you can both find each other using this application option.

It is important to remember that, for the location option to work, the GPS both cell phones are connected.

Lots of options available, right? With these searches, it will be easy for you locate a person via cell phone number.